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Erudite Works blog
How to reset your WordPress Site
What is resetting the WordPress site? Resetting WordPress sites is meant to move your current site to the default state of...
WhatsApp for WordPress
Why do we need to integrate WhatsApp with the WordPress website? Sometimes we need to add a support system so that users can...
Flows over Process Builder
Here is why flows are better than process builders, any day. If you're new to the Salesforce ecosystem and consider yourself a...
Scheduled Flow in Salesforce
How Scheduled Flows work in Salesforce? Scheduled flows are essentially a low-code version of Scheduled Batch Apex. You can only...
Custom Logo WP Login Page
Why Use a Custom Logon on WP Login Page? Its function is to enable the user to log in. On a typical login screen, you will see a...
Setup Cron Job in WordPress without Plugin
How to set up a Cron Job in WordPress without using any plugin One of the most useful features of WordPress is the cron. You can...
Things to consider while building the content for your website
Your website's content is the magnet of your marketing efforts and an essential tool for achieving your goals. Many people will...
Install WordPress with LAMP on Ubuntu
What is WordPress WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS). It is a free and open-source platform....
Reset WordPress Admin Password
How to Reset WordPress Admin Password WordPress provides a few options to reset or change your WordPress Admin Password. If you...
Gmail SMTP server for your WordPress site
How to configure Gmail SMTP in your WordPress site? Gmail SMTP server can make your life easier and that's exactly what we are...
Skinny Tables in Salesforce
What are Skinny Tables in Salesforce? A skinny table is a custom table within the platform that contains a subset of...
Configure CPanel WHM in AWS EC2 using CentOS 7
What is a cPanel? A cPanel is a Linux-based user-friendly web hosting that works through a Graphical user interface(GUI). Web...
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